Randi Renate’s large-scale, architectonic sculptures reflect her deep interest in the natural sciences. Informed by her background in oceanography and biology, and drawing on inquiries into neuroscience and philosophy, Randi’s works probe the space between the autonomic and the metaphysical. Such projects shed light on the interconnectedness of our social and cognitive structures: we see architecture as an extension of the body, sites of ritual as reified neural patterns, and coral polyps as metaphors for the growth of a community. 

 In Synapse of Shell and Skin Randi looks to bridge embodied experiences of space with collectivized notions of memory and time. Are our experiences of architecture discrete, or is there an underlying logic to the ways in which we each make sense of the spatial and sensorial? In probing our deeper relationship to the built and natural environment Randi asks us to reevaluate our position as living beings, and forces us toward a disembodied, depersonalized experience of patterning and placemaking. 


Randi Renate (b. San Antonio, Texas) received a BFA in Studio Art and a BA in Philosophy from the University of Texas at Austin and an MFA from the Yale School of Art. She moved to Berlin in the spring of 2015, where she maintained a studio and artist-run project space, TRACE.

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Interview group 2